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Called in when construction projects are moving scientists, btr, inc. bridges communication gaps between construction teams, procurement professionals, and researchers, clinicians and staff.  


With over 30 years of experience at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), we have assisted the relocation efforts for:

•   Vaccine Research Center (Building 40),

•   Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Defenses Center (Building 33),

•   F Wing, Project (Building 10 renovation)

•   E Wing Project (Building 10 renovation).



The procurement process can be a challenge, and btr has a long history of assisting scientists to identify and specify what they need, to help requests make their way through the process, and to receive their items/services.  

Taking the guesswork out of the process, our talented staff can identify alternative sources for difficult reagents, look into discounts from suppliers, and create partnerships with procurement for the benefit of all parties.


We work with NIH procurement staff to assist them in obtaining the information and specifications they need to place orders, facilitate communication with end users, as needed, and pursue any issues that hold up the process.



btr's managment system ensures that labs have the supplies, reagents and chemicals they need to perform their work.  Our supply tracking database covers routine needs, while our skilled staff keep up with the special requirements so inevitable in biomedical research. 


Starting in 1994, with customers in the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the National Center for Human Genome Research Center, (NHGRI), btr continues to serve many fine labs on the NIH campus.  Best of all, the staff is cross trained, to make sure needs are met all year, without interruption.

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